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Toki 1 1 2

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Subject: Toki 1, 2, and 3 mods Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:19 am
this part is MY guide to using toki 3's. hopefully this makes it all simpler so anyone can use them. i want the community to thrive and grow.
ok, i have seen a bunch of questions lately about what toki 3's are and how they can be used. to be honest, they are all but useless on their own. but combined with unused
moves, unused grapple slots, and toki 2's they become golden. here's a quick breakdown of how they work. i will get more technical later on...
toki 2's control the end of animation facing direction (position (standing, kneeling, etc... won't be needed)).
toki 3's control the FRAME that an animation starts on. these look like the section ID and frame ID from regular splice, but they are different values.
that's pretty much it.
here's basically how we work a code:
replace an unused grapple slot with an unused move value
link a regular (used) move to the unused slot
edit (with toki 3's) the frame that the unused move starts at.
fix facing/ending of regular move with toki 2's.
fix facing/ending of unused move with toki 2's.
simple, huh?
now, onto an example.
Moonsault Samoan
810ABC18 0705
81091DAA 1158
81326BA8 0100
81326BAA 003F
81326BAC 0000
81326BAE 003F
8134CBE4 00F7
8134CBE6 E780
8134CBE8 00BD
8134CBEA 1A8E
813289E4 0A00
813289E6 002C
813289E8 51FF
813289EA 001B
802BABD4 0000
802BABF8 0000
812BAC0C 0C1B
812BAC0E 1013
802BABE4 000F
802BAC08 000F
Replaces: Fireman Carry to Pancake (strong
line by line:
*NOTE* when i say 'p1' and 'p2' i simply mean giving/receiving animations. they aren't player specific.
810ABC18 0705 - strong B grapple slot links to unused slot 0705
81091DAA 1158 - unused slot 0705 is move 1158 (unused)
81326BA8 0100 - end of fireman carry 'p1' facing is 0100
81326BAA 003F - fireman carry 'p1' ends at frame 003F
81326BAC 0000 - end of fireman carry 'p2' facing is 0000
81326BAE 003F - fireman carry 'p2' ends at frame 003F
8134CBE4 00F7 - unused move toki 3 (p1) is middle of backflip splash
8134CBE6 E780 - unused move toki 3 (p1) is middle of backflip splash
8134CBE8 00BD - unused move toki 3 (p2) is middle of samoan drop
8134CBEA 1A8E - unused move toki 3 (p2) is middle of samoan drop
813289E4 0A00 - end of unused move (p1) position/facing
813289E6 002C - unused move (p1) ends at 002C
813289E8 51FF - end of unused move (p2) position/facing
813289EA 001B - unused move (p2) ends at 001B
802BABD4 0000 - unused move (p1) end of move status is not changed
802BABF8 0000 - unused move (p2) end of move status is not changed
812BAC0C 0C1B - sound effect 1B at frame 0C
812BAC0E 1013 - sound effect 13 at frame 10
802BABE4 000F - table breaking at frame 000F (p1)
802BAC08 000F - table breaking at frame 000F (p2)
and that's all there is to it.
to find toki 3's, just add 24200 to toki 2's. ta da!
here is the EXACT notes i take when making a move:
fireman's carry to pancake: - end at 003F
p1: 34D3
p2: 34D4
mods 2:
81326BA8 (0800 0084)
81326BAC (9E00 006E)
mods 3:
8134ADA8 (0080 3726)
8134ADAC (0080 50D0)
grapple slot:
81091DAA – 0705, 04E1, 02BD, 0099
1158 – 3C62, 3C63
mods 1:
mods 2:
813289E4 (0838 00B8)
813289E8 (71FF 00B8)
mods 3:
8134CBE4 (00CE 566A)
8134CBE8 (00CE 7A08)
strong grapple 'B' link addy:
p1 backflip splash
mods 2:
81329AC8 (0A00 003A)
mods 3:
8134DCC8 (00F7 E4D2)
p2 samoan drop:
mods 2:
81328124 (51FF 002B)
mods 3:
8134C324 (00BD 177E)
as you can see, i get the addy's and default values (in parenthesis) for all the animations i will be using for the move. i then make a basic code and tweak it (facing, timing,
etc...) in-match.
some random thoughts/tips and tricks:
1) set the end of animation status for the first move (the one you are splicing out of) to 0000 for both players. since you are going straight into the middle of another move,
the ending position isn't important, only the facing direction. by setting them both to 0000, you have a base default to rotate from. just remember each +80 is 45 degrees and it
rotates clockwise (right relative to player).
2) ALWAYS swap the spliced animations' toki 2 AND 3 (in my code: the backflip splash and samoan drop) into the unused moves toki 2 AND 3 spots. this in essence turns the unused
move into the spliced move. you can edit from their (adding 62 to change start frame and subtracting from the toki 2 frame length). this also gives you the benefit of having the
end of animation position perfect.
now a run through of the thought process to make that move.
step 1:
i have the idea for a move. brilliant!
step 2:
figure out the animations i want to use.
i know i want to use the fireman carry to pancake as it is a good samoan drop pick up and p1 bends his knees before the toss.
after that i know i want p1 to do a moonsault and p2 to fall to the ground like a samoan drop. so hey, why not use the backflip splash and samoan drop for p1 and p2
step 3:
i get all the addys and default values for all the moves involved (see above)
step 4:
creating the basic code. i always start with the link first. i have the strong grapple + B link addy (810ABC18) and i know i want it to link to unused slot 0705. now in that
grapple slot, i need to assign an unused move. i am using move 1158. so in the grapple slot addy (the one that goes with 0705) i put that move value. therefore i get 81091DAA
step 5:
start swapping. i replace all unused move animation toki 2's and 3's with the spliced 2's and 3's default values.
step 6:
tweak the code. adjust facing and frame starts/ends for the move.
step 7:
enjoy your newly hacked move!
Partial Unused Move Value Listing
Move Value – Animations
10A4 – 3EA9, 3EAA
10AE – 3EAB, 3EAC
10CC – 41BD, 41BC
114E – 3C60, 3C61
1158 – 3C62, 3C63
123E – 4210, 4211
1248 – 4213, 4214
1270 – 4224, 4225
127A – 4227, 4228
1284 – 422A, 422B
13F6 – 3348, 3349
1414 – 334E, 334F
141E – 3350, 3351
1428 – 334A, 334B
143C – 334C, 334D
145A – 3346, 3347
Partial Unused Grapple Slot Listing
Move Addy – P1, P2, P3, P4 link
81091CFA – 06AD, 0489, 0265, 0041
81091CFC – 06AE, 048A, 0266, 0042
81091CFE – 06AF, 0489, 0267, 0043
81091D00 – 06B0, 048A, 0268, 0044
81091D02 – 06B1, 048B, 0269, 0045
81091D3C – 06CE, 04AA, 0286, 0062
81091D3E – 06CF, 04AB, 0287, 0063
81091D40 – 06D0, 04AC, 0288, 0064
81091D42 – 06D1, 04AD, 0289, 0065
81091D44 – 06D2, 04AE, 028A, 0066
81091D46 – 06D3, 04AF, 028B, 0067
81091D4C – 06D6, 04B2, 028E, 006A
81091D4E – 06D7, 04B3, 028F, 006B
81091D90 – 06F8, 04D4, 02B0, 008C
81091D96 – 06FB, 04D7, 02B3, 008F
81091D98 – 06FC, 04D8, 02B4, 0090
81091DAA – 0705, 04E1, 02BD, 0099
Q: How do I find the link addy for a move slot?
A: Go into a match and do that move slot (down+b, left/right+a, etc...) and go to this address: 8015B1C0. that shows you an address to go to (the values at the address are
actually the numbers to the next address). go to the address it is pointing to, and add 4 to it. this is your link addy for that move slot.
love you guys. peace
~The Pimpalicious One

Toki 1 1 2 X 2

  1. Art; about; curriculum vitae; contact.
  2. Now that Toki is in the past herself, she should be changed. The random card should be something from beta, or alpha, or something pre-nerf. Either that or a random legendary from the future. The HS team have said they design sets 3 expansions ahead, right? So they can add versions of some of those cards as a token for Toki!
  3. Subject: Toki 1, 2, and 3 mods Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:19 am PART 2: this part is MY guide to using toki 3's. Hopefully this makes it all simpler so anyone can use them. I want the community to thrive and grow.

Toki 1 1 2 English

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